Home Grown Veggies

Published on by Giddy Iddy

I was going to be all 'Eco-friendly' and write something like "Organic Home Grown Veggies" as a name for my article, however trying to find a simple definition of the term 'Organic' on the Internet is a flippin' nightmare. There are countless pages of subject matter available for our viewing at the click of a mouse button and to be perfectly honest I got bored trawling through it all within 10 minutes. So I opted to change the title of today's blog instead. It's easier!

I could of gone with my own definition of 'Organic' but I am a little afraid one of my 6 readers would write a sarky comment.
(Step away from the comments button Mother!)

Anywawhoo back to the story......

Late this afternoon the neighbour yelled over the hedge for the Baby Cloggys to come give him a hand moving his cows. Footballs, hockey sticks and bicycles were abandoned as the BC's disappeared into the undergrowth that marks the property boundary in order to assist. Much fun was had and the cows were successfully transplanted from one field to the other without so much as a raised voice or a kicked shin.

As a reward for their help the BC's were allowed to raid the neighbours veggie plot (which has been grown from 'Organic' seeds and fertilized with poop from his own barn) and came back with lots of lovely home grown fresh produce for dinner. I contemplated adding one of Cloggys chickens to the menu but as there are only 3 I think he would have noticed so I settled for the 'other white meat' instead.



The potatoes were scrubbed and sliced, put in a pan and roasted with garlic, fresh rosemary, olive oil and sea salt at 200 C for 30 minutes. The beans were shelled, boiled in a pan of salted/sugared water with a knob of butter for dressing. The other 'white meat' was caught, butchered and then grilled. (KIDDING -  It was unwrapped from the Albert Hein packing, wiped, seasoned and then grilled).

It was a very tasty dinner. Only downside is that Cloggy has now hatched a plan to build his own veggie plot. The internet has already been heavily abused on the subject and I overheard him telling the BC's that he's off tomorrow to get railway sleepers and find a good nutricional top soil supplier

Published on Baby Cloggy Stuff

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howws ya horse!!!!!!!!!