Flamingo Route # 3

Published on by Giddy Iddy

Flamingo Route Day 3

Start Point: Dreilander See
End Point: Home

After we received an alarming weather forecast from Cloggys Father, Professor Clog, (Heavy rain and thunderstorms for late Wednesday evening and Thursday morning) we decided to not take any chances and head for home to restock on clean clothing and groceries.

There was enough time for The Baby Cloggys to have a bit of a splash around in the lake and an hour or so in the Pedalo's before we broke camp and headed on home. Cloggy was permitted to join them for a while however it wasn't too long before the evil little monsters had upended him out of the boat and he was splashing around in the water.

We managed to make it home before the heavens opened (stopping off for dinner at our favorite waterhole Harmuhle where the Oldest Baby Cloggy joined us).

All in all we had a very enjoyable few days. Thursday was a rest day and as I write we are just making the final preparations to head back out with our gear for a final 2 day skirmish around the Southern part of the Flamingo Route.

Published on Staycation Stuff

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Comment on this post
you really need to write a sue gearing travel book on this area.  I would do this holiday from reading your blog.  You could use your holiday accommodation next door to promote and stock your book.   Keep you out of mischief...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prof Clog could translate...............keep him out of mischief too.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<br /> Thanks Mum ... I love you too ! <br /> <br /> <br />