Flamingo Route # 4 Southern Section

Published on by Giddy Iddy

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Flamingo Route #4
Day 4 - Southern Section

Start Point: Haaksbergen
End Point: De Goede Hoop Campsite West of Zwillbrock

A Lazy start to day 4 of our trip. We know the first part of the route very well because we walk the Dumbarse dog here every day so there were no surprises in store for us. After a while we ventured into unknown territory. This was the part of the nature reserve where dogs are not allowed to go off leash, so therefore not interesting for us on a daily basis as Dumbarse needs as much free space to run wild as we can legally find for him.

Almost immediately after we had gone off of our normal route we found an information centre that was unknown to us. A small roundhouse with benches and maps for the whole of the southern section of the route.


The Baby Cloggys were very impressed.

We cycled further through the Haaksbergerveen until we came to the old border village of Oldenkott. Very picturesque but apart from a nice cafe nothing much.

Cycling on we skimmed around another nature Reserve called
Crosewicker Feld and then headed towards our ultimate goal of Zwillbrock.

The Village of Zwillbrock does not have a camping site so we had to head a wee bit to the west to finish at a camp site called 'De Goede Hoop'. It was not spectacular, but was clean, quiet,
had friendly staff and a swimming pool. Whatever you do though DO NOT EAT THERE! Put the tent up and then cycle approx 1.5 Km to Zwillbrock and eat in the cafe/restaurant Kloppendiek.


After dinner we let Cloggy play on the SeeSaw in the playground for a few minutes and then guided him safely back to his tent, where he participated in a few rounds of 'Uno' and then crawled into his tent and snored for 12 hours!

Day 5 to follow and close our cycling tour.

Published on Staycation Stuff

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