Armchair Gardening.

Published on by Giddy Iddy



It is most definitely time for a clean up and weeding session in the Clog garden. Thing is ....... I am a Crap Gardener.


I am one of those people who gains enormous pleasure in looking at well manicured lawns and established herbaceous borders as long as someone else is doing all the work and looking after them.

In short I am an armchair gardener!

There is so much greenery bursting up through the ground I am at a loss to know the difference between the good stuff and the weeds. It all looks quite pretty to me.

I did make a start on pulling out the dandelions and nettles but after a couple of wheelbarrow loads I lost interest. It was after 5.30 so I did what any self respecting armchair gardener would do, opened a bottle of wine and sat down to admire my handy work. I'll have another crack at it  tomorrow.


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<br /> <br /> The only way darling - why get ones gardening gloves mucky! xxx<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />