Roundabout Art

Published on by Giddy Iddy



I can not help but notice that the Dutch have a preference for decorating the centre of their Roundabouts or "Rotonde's" with sculptures.

I do not know why they do this but in my humble opinion it looks cool. Once in a while you see a piece of sculpture which should never have left the artists studio but that is not common.

I travel around the Netherlands a lot so I have decided to start a new "Stuff" catagory dedicated to the Dutch mania for Roundabout Art. I will endeavour to take snap shots of all the sculptures that I can and add them to my blog. Please if you see any Roundabout art take a photo and send it to me, make sure you include its location, and I will post it in my new section.

This sculpture was spotted in Veendam, NL.


Published on Roundabout Art Stuff

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